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 About my Sessions


My sessions are a combination of intuitive- psychic readings and transformational energy work.

By training I am a social worker/counselor/ therapist, a certified Matrix Energetics and Ayurvedic Practitioner (Indian health education and nutritional counseling) and a group facilitator trained in elements of Gestalt therapy, psycho- drama and dream work. My gift lies in accessing my intuition and contact to inner guidance.


I am offering you an open ear to listen and effective energy work to move you to a new place or perspective. My sessions are usually one-time high-impact transformations that occur at a time when you are ready for change. It has always been my goal to empower independence. I work very fast and efficiently and will read your energy field as well as that of the circumstances surrounding you. I receive information from the Akashic records and have powerful helpers and guides working with me. Sometimes messages come through from departed loved ones, sometimes health situations get turned around, sometimes clarity is found about a relationship, sometimes there is uncertainty about the next move. Whatever it is you would like some help, support or a new direction with please feel free to contact me.  


Each session with me is unique yet some or all of these changes occur on a regular, reliable basis:


~ HUGE or subtle, but powerful energy shifts

~ Letting go of resistance by addressing the root          cause of it (sometimes this can be in your 

   childhood  or in other life times)

~ Integration of Higher aspects of your Soul from other dimensions or life times

~ Clarity about relationship dynamics and suitable    locations for you

~ Insight about your talents and calling from the perspective of your Soul

~ Personal messages from your guides

~ Intuitive medical readings and energy shifts focused on your health



                                                                   How I Work with Past Life Experiences

                                                                                                                                              August 2016


I have noticed in my sessions over the last few weeks that transformations happen even faster and more information from the Akashic records is being revealed. Past life traumas related to persecution and war have been flushed out and other life times that held more joy, spiritual connection and artistic expression have been integrated, so we have more access to gifts we already have developed in other times. Tremendous support can come to us from our Higher Self and our knowing and learning from previous life times. 
In sessions I work with everything held in your energy field, conscious and subconscious. When and if you are ready to face forgotten memories from the past and if it is supportive of your current process these memories can surface and be accessed during a session either to eliminate trauma or if empowering to be integrated in a more conscious way. More and more people are ready to step into true alignment with their soul's intention and organize their life's work around it. It is so rewarding to gain deeper understanding of who we are, what we have done and experienced before and what gifts we already bring to this life time and relationships. Every session is like a gem and miracle in itself and unlike any other. I truly feel privileged and excited to share these precious, timeless moments that unfold in sessions in sacred space.
I also offer on-going support to hold space for those of you who are going through a rough patch, have lost a loved one, struggle with a relationship or are getting ready for a new journey. 



Topics for Sessions:


  • Clarification of relationship dynamics

  • Clearing of intrusions (energies or entities that attach themselves to a person without permission and often without the person’s knowing)

  • Clearing memories of childhood abuse

  • Inspiration for your career or change of carreer

  • Clearing of self-sabotage patterns

  • Clearing of anxiety

  • Personal growth

  • House Clearings

  • Clarity about a move (change of location)

  • Boosting the recovery from surgery or illness for clients or pets 

  • Parenting Support

  • Intensive Energy Shifts for Existing Health Conditions

  • Hospice Support

  • Conception and Birth Support

  • Clearing of present or past life trauma

  • Transmission of angelic frequencies

  • Multi-dimensional assessments and therapy 

  • Connection to Loved Ones who have crossed over

  • Messages from your guides

  • Personalized meditations and visualisations

  • Personal ceremonies that allow for closure with a relationship or experience.

  • Comfort and peace from the spiritual realm

  • Validation of spiritual or energetic experiences and psychic gifts

  • Support  in following your guidance 

  • Encouragement to develop YOUR gift to the world.


To schedule a session with me please call 971-251-0477, text or e-mail to




More about my  Sessions:

These sessions are liberating and help to remove obstacles, that stand between you and that what you desire. Often these obstacles are family patterns, old traumas, unconscious beliefs and thoughts or fears. It is a great way to improve your wellness by taking care of your energy. Before anything manifests in the body as a symptom it shows up in your energy field. Even after energy has manifested into a symptom, a new outcome can be created at the quantum level, where we are only patterns of light and information. The photons are free to move into new alignments as we observe different quantum waves in matrix energy work. This can result in astounding new outcomes in your energy, feelings, your approach to life, your self esteem, relationships and health.


Matrix Energetics is a magnificent tool in supporting you to become more of who you are fast and to help you relieve old energy patterns, that no longer serve you. Please call me with any questions or if you are interested in a session for yourself or someone you love. I work world- wide over the phone, internet or remotely and also in-person in Portland, OR, Seattle and Whidbey Island.


What are Energy Shifts/ Quantum Dance?

We are all connected by the “web of life”, our bodies consist of and are surrounded by subtle energies. These energies are vibration and information and continuously form and instruct the physical body. By changing the vibration and information of these energies the physical body receives a new template to create from. At the quantum level at which we consist of light and vibration, photons and space, changes can occur in a heartbeat. In my healing work I step into the place of a priestess communicating with other dimensions and become a mediator between the seen and unseen world. Reaching into the unknown  my hands receive adjustments, information and blessings for my clients or remove harmful or unnecessary elements. Guided by angels, ascended masters and higher aspects of myself, that hold and remember healing gifts from other life times my hands and body engage in a healing dance. This dance can be powerful, playful, majestic, assertive, commanding, gentle or dramatic – whatever is needed to address the situation. Energies are being purified, released or replaced by new energies that are more aligned with the present intention. My client and I enter a different state of consciousness, that is a joyous temple of transformation. In this sacred space we receive the assistance of many helping beings. Through this work many people have experienced great relief from pain, enhanced healing after surgery or accidents and  renewed joy in their life.


How can these sessions be useful to me?

Clients come with a wide variety of requests and intentions, that they seek support for such as stage fright, panic attacks, relationship problems, the wish to free up their voice, the desire to help a close relative, sadness, low self esteem, patterns and habits of addiction, to prepare for a meeting, to remove chaos from their lives, for feelings of exhaustion, to recover from traumatic memories, to experience more fun in life, to find more clarity, to stop being angry, for support in clarifying a relationship, for clearing the energy of a house, to feel lighter and happier, to vitalize a business, for being able to stop judging someone else as well as a variety of other problems.


My Intuitive work:

Guided by my intuition and experience I help you to understand underlying patterns in your life and support you by removing energetic blockages. At times I am guided to take you on an inner journey, a meditation or to speak messages that your guides want you to hear. Sometimes a story wants to be told that holds metaphors for your life or images arise that give us insight into other dimensions.


What is Matrix Energetics?

Matrix Energetics is a technique for creating positive and instantaneous change. Powerful, fun and simple, it is an approach that connects us to a greater wisdom and power with ease and grace, a method for anyone who wants to create positive change in their life in any area of their life. We are working with information from our subconscious.


Matrix Energetics is a transformational tool, where old energy patterns collapse at the quantum level and new energy patterns unfold. Usually people report to feel freer, happier and relieved in some way during and after a session. At times physical symptoms as pain or headaches shift or go away . In general people feel like they can be more of who they are and often the changes are so deep and profound, that their whole life unfolds in new patterns from that point on. Because on a quantum level there is only light and information, which is directed by consciousness, our positive intent becomes a vessel for transformation.


My matrix sessions are creative, focused, intuitive, compassionate and open-minded. A matrix session unfolds as a creative dialogue using information from our subconscious minds, which can show up as images, feelings, sensations, body memory, movement, impulses and also using specific matrix techniques as two-point, time travel and universal healing frequencies.


Matrix Energetics is a method of transformation, where old energy patterns collapse at the quantum level and new energy patterns unfold. Usually people report to feel freer, happier and relieved in some way during and after a session. At times physical symptoms as pain or headaches shift or go away . In general people feel like they can be more of who they are and often the changes are so deep and profound, that their whole life unfolds in new patterns from that point on. Because on a quantum level there is only light and information, which is directed by consciousness, our positive intent becomes a vessel for transformation.Quantum physics teaches, that photons can rearrange themselves into new energy patterns according to our intent. The new patterns of light create a new energy, that will positively affect  everything else in your life like your health, feelings,  relationships or finances. This work has been extremely helpful for children,  adults and animals. It can support your healing process after surgery or injury and is complementary with any other treatment approach you choose.


To learn more about the astounding phenomena of Matrix Energetics, the connection to quantum physics and to see videos of Dr. Richard Bartlett’s work (founder of Matrix Energetics) please go to


~ To schedule a session please call me at 971-251 0477 or e-mail me at ~


My Ministry and the Akashic Records

My ministry has been inspired by several images. One is the wishing well as a symbol for the magical powers of our subconscious mind. In fairy tales there is often a well that is whispering knowledge from a different realm to the seeker. Sometimes faeries, angels or ancestors come to assist him or her. For me this is an image for the magical transformations, that I  have seen happening in my work with clients.

Sometimes people come when they feel stuck or hopeless. Usually they leave the session with new hope and new experiences.

In my work I provide sacred space for transformations to occur. I am a facilitator between the seen and unseen realms . With the consent of the client I call upon their I Am Presence (Higher Self) and the assistance of healing frequencies, angels, ascended masters and spirit guides. Really, it is YOUR Higher Self directing the session. I am here to facilitate this communication between you in your temporary earthly expression and the divinity and wisdom of your soul. So you and I together are holding sacred space for the insights and change you want at a higher level.

Another image that inspired me is that of a “Door to the Light” as I am not the doer, but the door. The many miraculous changes that have occurred in my work are  about creating change, that is in harmony with the Higher Self.

The Akashic Records are a universal energetic” library” containing all the information of all events that occurred over life times. Wikipedia says: (Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning “sky“, “space” or “aether“) is a term used in theosophy (and Anthroposophy) to describe a compendium of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. These records are described to contain all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos. They are metaphorically described as a library and other analogues commonly found in discourse on the subject include a “universal computer” and the “Mind of God”. Descriptions of the records assert that they are constantly updated and that they can be accessed through astral projection. The concept originated in the theosophicalNew Age discourse. movements of the 19th century, and remains prevalent in

In some of my sessions past life issues come up to be released and healed. Some conditions have their root not in this, but in other life times. This can be true for some “unexplainable” fears, night mares or preferences, especially magnetic or disturbing relationships.



How to best prepare for your session:

Please wear comfortable clothing, bring some water and a journal, if you wish to write about your session experience afterwards. If you would like a friend, partner or family member to be present with you during the session that is fine with me. Just check in with yourself, if it would serve you best to take this time to yourself. I am open to working with you either way. The information showing up during a session is deeply personal and so is your transformation. It is a unique process each time and this session time is YOUR time, your gift to yourself. I am  being present and holding space for your own inner knowing and desire to move towards more conscious clarity. My role is to help you clarify, to support you in making choices, to help you  eliminate energy blocks and call in and direct blessings and supportive energies. I serve as an instrument for these divine energies to move through me aligned with your own choices and desires.



 About my Sessions


My sessions are a combination of intuitive- psychic readings and transformational energy work.

By training I am a social worker/counselor/ therapist, a certified Matrix Energetics and Ayurvedic Practitioner (Indian health education and nutritional counseling) and a group facilitator trained in elements of Gestalt therapy, psycho- drama and dream work. My gift lies in accessing my intuition and contact to inner guidance.


I am offering you an open ear to listen and effective energy work to move you to a new place or perspective. My sessions are usually one-time high-impact transformations that occur at a time when you are ready for change. It has always been my goal to empower independence. I work very fast and efficiently and will read your energy field as well as that of the circumstances surrounding you. I receive information from the Akashic records and have powerful helpers and guides working with me. Sometimes messages come through from departed loved ones, sometimes health situations get turned around, sometimes clarity is found about a relationship, sometimes there is uncertainty about the next move. Whatever it is you would like some help, support or a new direction with please feel free to contact me.  


Each session with me is unique yet some or all of these changes occur on a regular, reliable basis:


~ HUGE or subtle, but powerful energy shifts

~ Letting go of resistance by addressing the root          cause of it (sometimes this can be in your 

   childhood  or in other life times)

~ Integration of Higher aspects of your Soul from other dimensions or life times

~ Clarity about relationship dynamics and suitable    locations for you

~ Insight about your talents and calling from the perspective of your Soul

~ Personal messages from your guides

~ Intuitive medical readings and energy shifts focused on your health



                                                                   How I Work with Past Life Experiences

                                                                                                                                              August 2016


I have noticed in my sessions over the last few weeks that transformations happen even faster and more information from the Akashic records is being revealed. Past life traumas related to persecution and war have been flushed out and other life times that held more joy, spiritual connection and artistic expression have been integrated, so we have more access to gifts we already have developed in other times. Tremendous support can come to us from our Higher Self and our knowing and learning from previous life times. 
In sessions I work with everything held in your energy field, conscious and subconscious. When and if you are ready to face forgotten memories from the past and if it is supportive of your current process these memories can surface and be accessed during a session either to eliminate trauma or if empowering to be integrated in a more conscious way. More and more people are ready to step into true alignment with their soul's intention and organize their life's work around it. It is so rewarding to gain deeper understanding of who we are, what we have done and experienced before and what gifts we already bring to this life time and relationships. Every session is like a gem and miracle in itself and unlike any other. I truly feel privileged and excited to share these precious, timeless moments that unfold in sessions in sacred space.
I also offer on-going support to hold space for those of you who are going through a rough patch, have lost a loved one, struggle with a relationship or are getting ready for a new journey. 



Topics for Sessions:


  • Clarification of relationship dynamics

  • Clearing of intrusions (energies or entities that attach themselves to a person without permission and often without the person’s knowing)

  • Clearing memories of childhood abuse

  • Inspiration for your career or change of carreer

  • Clearing of self-sabotage patterns

  • Clearing of anxiety

  • Personal growth

  • House Clearings

  • Clarity about a move (change of location)

  • Boosting the recovery from surgery or illness for clients or pets 

  • Parenting Support

  • Intensive Energy Shifts for Existing Health Conditions

  • Hospice Support

  • Conception and Birth Support

  • Clearing of present or past life trauma

  • Transmission of angelic frequencies

  • Multi-dimensional assessments and therapy 

  • Connection to Loved Ones who have crossed over

  • Messages from your guides

  • Personalized meditations and visualisations

  • Personal ceremonies that allow for closure with a relationship or experience.

  • Comfort and peace from the spiritual realm

  • Validation of spiritual or energetic experiences and psychic gifts

  • Support  in following your guidance 

  • Encouragement to develop YOUR gift to the world.


To schedule a session with me please call 971-251-0477, text or e-mail to




More about my  Sessions:

These sessions are liberating and help to remove obstacles, that stand between you and that what you desire. Often these obstacles are family patterns, old traumas, unconscious beliefs and thoughts or fears. It is a great way to improve your wellness by taking care of your energy. Before anything manifests in the body as a symptom it shows up in your energy field. Even after energy has manifested into a symptom, a new outcome can be created at the quantum level, where we are only patterns of light and information. The photons are free to move into new alignments as we observe different quantum waves in matrix energy work. This can result in astounding new outcomes in your energy, feelings, your approach to life, your self esteem, relationships and health.


Matrix Energetics is a magnificent tool in supporting you to become more of who you are fast and to help you relieve old energy patterns, that no longer serve you. Please call me with any questions or if you are interested in a session for yourself or someone you love. I work world- wide over the phone, internet or remotely and also in-person in Portland, OR, Seattle and Whidbey Island.


What are Energy Shifts/ Quantum Dance?

We are all connected by the “web of life”, our bodies consist of and are surrounded by subtle energies. These energies are vibration and information and continuously form and instruct the physical body. By changing the vibration and information of these energies the physical body receives a new template to create from. At the quantum level at which we consist of light and vibration, photons and space, changes can occur in a heartbeat. In my healing work I step into the place of a priestess communicating with other dimensions and become a mediator between the seen and unseen world. Reaching into the unknown  my hands receive adjustments, information and blessings for my clients or remove harmful or unnecessary elements. Guided by angels, ascended masters and higher aspects of myself, that hold and remember healing gifts from other life times my hands and body engage in a healing dance. This dance can be powerful, playful, majestic, assertive, commanding, gentle or dramatic – whatever is needed to address the situation. Energies are being purified, released or replaced by new energies that are more aligned with the present intention. My client and I enter a different state of consciousness, that is a joyous temple of transformation. In this sacred space we receive the assistance of many helping beings. Through this work many people have experienced great relief from pain, enhanced healing after surgery or accidents and  renewed joy in their life.


How can these sessions be useful to me?

Clients come with a wide variety of requests and intentions, that they seek support for such as stage fright, panic attacks, relationship problems, the wish to free up their voice, the desire to help a close relative, sadness, low self esteem, patterns and habits of addiction, to prepare for a meeting, to remove chaos from their lives, for feelings of exhaustion, to recover from traumatic memories, to experience more fun in life, to find more clarity, to stop being angry, for support in clarifying a relationship, for clearing the energy of a house, to feel lighter and happier, to vitalize a business, for being able to stop judging someone else as well as a variety of other problems.


My Intuitive work:

Guided by my intuition and experience I help you to understand underlying patterns in your life and support you by removing energetic blockages. At times I am guided to take you on an inner journey, a meditation or to speak messages that your guides want you to hear. Sometimes a story wants to be told that holds metaphors for your life or images arise that give us insight into other dimensions.


What is Matrix Energetics?

Matrix Energetics is a technique for creating positive and instantaneous change. Powerful, fun and simple, it is an approach that connects us to a greater wisdom and power with ease and grace, a method for anyone who wants to create positive change in their life in any area of their life. We are working with information from our subconscious.


Matrix Energetics is a transformational tool, where old energy patterns collapse at the quantum level and new energy patterns unfold. Usually people report to feel freer, happier and relieved in some way during and after a session. At times physical symptoms as pain or headaches shift or go away . In general people feel like they can be more of who they are and often the changes are so deep and profound, that their whole life unfolds in new patterns from that point on. Because on a quantum level there is only light and information, which is directed by consciousness, our positive intent becomes a vessel for transformation.


My matrix sessions are creative, focused, intuitive, compassionate and open-minded. A matrix session unfolds as a creative dialogue using information from our subconscious minds, which can show up as images, feelings, sensations, body memory, movement, impulses and also using specific matrix techniques as two-point, time travel and universal healing frequencies.


Matrix Energetics is a method of transformation, where old energy patterns collapse at the quantum level and new energy patterns unfold. Usually people report to feel freer, happier and relieved in some way during and after a session. At times physical symptoms as pain or headaches shift or go away . In general people feel like they can be more of who they are and often the changes are so deep and profound, that their whole life unfolds in new patterns from that point on. Because on a quantum level there is only light and information, which is directed by consciousness, our positive intent becomes a vessel for transformation.Quantum physics teaches, that photons can rearrange themselves into new energy patterns according to our intent. The new patterns of light create a new energy, that will positively affect  everything else in your life like your health, feelings,  relationships or finances. This work has been extremely helpful for children,  adults and animals. It can support your healing process after surgery or injury and is complementary with any other treatment approach you choose.


To learn more about the astounding phenomena of Matrix Energetics, the connection to quantum physics and to see videos of Dr. Richard Bartlett’s work (founder of Matrix Energetics) please go to


~ To schedule a session please call me at 971-251 0477 or e-mail me at ~


My Ministry and the Akashic Records

My ministry has been inspired by several images. One is the wishing well as a symbol for the magical powers of our subconscious mind. In fairy tales there is often a well that is whispering knowledge from a different realm to the seeker. Sometimes faeries, angels or ancestors come to assist him or her. For me this is an image for the magical transformations, that I  have seen happening in my work with clients.

Sometimes people come when they feel stuck or hopeless. Usually they leave the session with new hope and new experiences.

In my work I provide sacred space for transformations to occur. I am a facilitator between the seen and unseen realms . With the consent of the client I call upon their I Am Presence (Higher Self) and the assistance of healing frequencies, angels, ascended masters and spirit guides. Really, it is YOUR Higher Self directing the session. I am here to facilitate this communication between you in your temporary earthly expression and the divinity and wisdom of your soul. So you and I together are holding sacred space for the insights and change you want at a higher level.

Another image that inspired me is that of a “Door to the Light” as I am not the doer, but the door. The many miraculous changes that have occurred in my work are  about creating change, that is in harmony with the Higher Self.

The Akashic Records are a universal energetic” library” containing all the information of all events that occurred over life times. Wikipedia says: (Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning “sky“, “space” or “aether“) is a term used in theosophy (and Anthroposophy) to describe a compendium of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. These records are described to contain all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos. They are metaphorically described as a library and other analogues commonly found in discourse on the subject include a “universal computer” and the “Mind of God”. Descriptions of the records assert that they are constantly updated and that they can be accessed through astral projection. The concept originated in the theosophicalNew Age discourse. movements of the 19th century, and remains prevalent in

In some of my sessions past life issues come up to be released and healed. Some conditions have their root not in this, but in other life times. This can be true for some “unexplainable” fears, night mares or preferences, especially magnetic or disturbing relationships.



How to best prepare for your session:

Please wear comfortable clothing, bring some water and a journal, if you wish to write about your session experience afterwards. If you would like a friend, partner or family member to be present with you during the session that is fine with me. Just check in with yourself, if it would serve you best to take this time to yourself. I am open to working with you either way. The information showing up during a session is deeply personal and so is your transformation. It is a unique process each time and this session time is YOUR time, your gift to yourself. I am  being present and holding space for your own inner knowing and desire to move towards more conscious clarity. My role is to help you clarify, to support you in making choices, to help you  eliminate energy blocks and call in and direct blessings and supportive energies. I serve as an instrument for these divine energies to move through me aligned with your own choices and desires.





 Session Info and about myself


My sessions are a combination of intuitive- psychic readings and transformational energy work.

By training I am a social worker/counselor/ therapist, a certified Matrix Energetics and Ayurvedic Practitioner (Indian health education and nutritional counseling) and a group facilitator trained in elements of Gestalt therapy, psycho- drama and dream work. My gift lies in accessing my intuition and contact to inner guidance.


These sessions are liberating and help to remove obstacles, that stand between you and that what you desire. Often these obstacles are family patterns, old traumas, unconscious beliefs and thoughts or fears. Sessions are a great way to improve your wellness by taking care of your energy. Before anything manifests in the body as a symptom it shows up in your energy field. Even after energy has manifested into a symptom, a new outcome can be created at the quantum level, where we are only patterns of light and information. These light particles are free to move into new alignments during a session and this can result in astounding new outcomes in your energy, feelings, your approach to life, your self esteem, relationships and health.


I am offering you an open ear to listen and effective energy work to move you to a new place or perspective. My sessions are usually one-time high-impact transformations that occur at a time, when you are ready for change. It has always been my goal to empower independence. I work very fast and efficiently and will read your energy field as well as that of the circumstances surrounding you.

Whatever it is you would like some help, support or a new direction with please feel free to contact me.



Each session with me is unique yet some or all of these changes occur on a regular, reliable basis. These are:


~ Huge or subtle, but powerful energy shifts

~ Letting go of resistance 

~ addressing the root cause of a problem

~ Integration of Higher aspects of your Soul from other dimensions or life times

~ Clarity about relationship dynamics and suitable locations for you

~ Insight about your talents and calling from the perspective of your Soul

~ Personal messages from Spirit

~ improved well-being or health



                                                                                            How I Work with Past Life Experiences

                                                                                                                   I have noticed in my sessions over the last few weeks that transformations happen even faster and more information from the Akashic records is being revealed. Past life traumas related to persecution and war have been flushed out and other life times that held more joy, spiritual connection and artistic expression have been integrated, so we have more access to gifts we already have developed in other times. Tremendous support can come to us from our Higher Self and our knowing and learning from previous life times. 
In sessions I work with everything held in your energy field, conscious and subconscious. When and if you are ready to face forgotten memories from the past, and if it is supportive of your current process, these memories can surface and be accessed during a session, either to eliminate trauma or -  if these memories are empowering - to be integrated in a more conscious way. More and more people are ready to step into true alignment with their soul's intention and organize their life's work around it. It is so rewarding to gain deeper understanding of who we are, what we have done and experienced before and what gifts we already bring to this life time and relationships. Every session is like a gem and miracle in itself and unlike any other. I truly feel privileged and excited to share these precious, timeless moments that unfold in sessions in sacred space.
I also offer on-going support to hold space for those of you who are going through a rough patch, have lost a loved one, struggle with a relationship or are getting ready for a new journey. 



Additional Topics for Sessions


  • Clarification of relationship dynamics

  • Clearing of intrusions (energies or entities that attach themselves to a person without permission and often without the person’s knowing)

  • Clearing memories of childhood abuse

  • Inspiration for your career or change of carreer

  • Clearing of self-sabotage patterns

  • Clearing of anxiety

  • Personal growth

  • House Clearings

  • Clarity about a move (change of location)

  • Boosting the recovery from surgery or illness for clients or pets 

  • Parenting Support

  • Intensive Energy Shifts for Existing Health Conditions

  • Hospice Support

  • Removal of energetic blockages around conception or birth

  • Clearing of present or past life trauma

  • Transmission of helpful frequencies

  • Multi-dimensional assessments and therapy 

  • Connection to Loved Ones who have crossed over

  • Messages from Spirit

  • Personalized meditations and visualizations

  • Personal ceremonies that allow for closure with a relationship or experience.

  • Receiving comfort and peace from the spiritual realm

  • Validation of spiritual or energetic experiences and psychic gifts

  • Support  in following your own guidance 

  • Encouragement to develop YOUR gift to share with the world.


To schedule a session with me please call 971-251-0477, text or e-mail to



What are Energy Shifts?


We are all connected by the “web of life”, our bodies consist of and are surrounded by subtle energies. These energies are vibration and information and continuously form and instruct the physical body. By changing the vibration and information of these energies the physical body receives a new template to create from. At the quantum level at which we consist of light and vibration, photons and space, changes can occur in a heartbeat. In my healing work I step into the place of a priestess communicating with other dimensions and become a mediator between the seen and unseen world. Reaching into the quantum field my hands receive adjustments, information and blessings for my clients or remove harmful or unnecessary elements. Guided by Spirit and my Higher Self my hands and body engage in a healing "dance". This dance can be powerful, playful,   gentle or dramatic – whatever is needed to address the situation. Energies are being purified, released or replaced by new energies that are more aligned with the present intention. At times my client and I enter a different state of consciousness, that serves as a temple of transformation. Through this work many people have experienced great relief from pain, enhanced recovery after surgery or accidents and  renewed joy in their life.



How Can These Sessions Be Useful to Me?


Clients come with a wide variety of requests and intentions, for example they might seek support for dealing with trauma, panic attacks, relationship problems, sadness, low self esteem, addiction, exhaustion or to experience more fun in life, to find more clarity or to stop being angry. Others want to clear the energy of a house or vitalize a business. Mothers often seek help for their adult children. Mothers of younger children may be looking for a way to understand their child more deeply and to find the best way to gain their trust.


What are the "Akashic Records"?


The Akashic Records are ethereal (energetic) records of the history of the earth and our previous life times. 

The Akashic Records are a universal energetic” library” containing all the information of all events that occurred over life times.


Wikipedia says: Akasha, a Sanskrit word meaning “sky“, “space” or “ether“ is a term used in theosophy (and Anthroposophy) to describe a compendium of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. These records are described to contain all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos. They are metaphorically described as a library and other analogues commonly found in discourse on the subject include a “universal computer” and the “Mind of God”. Descriptions of the records assert that they are constantly updated and that they can be accessed through astral projection. 


In some of my sessions past life issues come up to be released and healed. Some conditions have their root not in this, but in other life times. This can be true for some “unexplainable” fears, phobias, night mares or habits and preferences. Past lives may also explain why we are magnetically attracted to another person or feel like we have known a person "forever" when we really just meet for the first time (in this life).


There are also relationships with people we feel deeply disturbed by, even terrified without finding a logical explanation for this feeling in this life. There may well be a very good reason for this feeling in another life. Our subconscious mind remembers everything, our conscious mind not so trust those feelings. They are messages from your subconscious mind. 



My Work:


My work has been inspired by several images. One is the wishing well as a symbol of our subconscious mind. In fairy tales there is often a well that is whispering knowledge from a different realm to the seeker.

As a facilitator between the seen and unseen realms I enter sacred space for transformations to occur. Really, it is YOUR Higher Self directing the session. I am here to facilitate this communication between you in your temporary earthly expression and the divinity and wisdom of your soul. So you and I together are holding sacred space for the insights and changes you choose from the perspective of your soul.


Another image that inspired me is that of a “Door to the Light” as I am not the doer, but the door. The many miraculous changes that have occurred in my work are about creating change, that is in harmony with the Higher Self (some call it I Am Presence or True Eternal Nature). 



How to Best Prepare for Your Session:


Please wear comfortable clothing, bring some water and a journal, if you wish to write about your session experience during or after the session. If you would like a friend, partner or family member to be present with you during the session that is usually fine with me. Just check in with yourself, if it would serve you best to take this time to yourself. I am open to working with you either way. The information showing up during a session is deeply personal and so is your transformation. It is a unique process each time and this session time is YOUR time, your gift to yourself. I am being present and holding space for your own inner knowing and desire to move towards more conscious clarity. My role is to help you clarify, to support you in making choices, to help you eliminate energy blocks and to call in and direct blessings and supportive energies. I serve as an instrument for these divine energies to move through me aligned with your own choices.

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