Intuitive Readings and Energy Work
Energy Shifts and Upgrades
Spiritual support and insights
Past lives
Career Changes/Challenges,
Relocation or Travel plans,
Creative solutions and suggestions for your particular situation
Health education (life style, Ayurveda, nutrition and self-care)
Portland, OR
and world-wide by phone
I am offering you an open ear to listen and effective energy work to move you to a new place or perspective.
My sessions are usually high-impact transformations that occur at a time when you are ready for change. Follow-up sessions are helpful and offer on-going support and continued energy shifts. I work very fast and efficiently and will read your energy field in great detail. I receive information from the Akashic records and have powerful helpers and guides working with me. At times messages come through from departed loved ones, health situations get turned around, clarity is found about a relationship or certainty established about a move to another location as well as best timing. Whatever it is you would like some help, support or a new direction with please feel free to contact me.
You can text or call me at 971-251 0477
or email me at gabi@doortothelight.com
Intuitive Readings in Person
New Renaissance Bookshop
1338 NW 23rd Avenue, Portland, OR
Please call the store at 503- 224-3001
to reserve YOUR time.
Saturdays and Sundays from 11:30 am - 5:30 pm
(30-, 60- and 90-minute options)
Phone Sessions
anytime from anywhere,
usually available with short notice,
(but a minimum of 24 hours notice requested).
Advantages: no long wait times,
you can easily fit them into your schedule,
you choose the location (your home, car or favorite place).
You can reach me by text 971-312-8960 usually within minutes.
The phone session space is very personal,
all visual distractions are eliminated and I can totally focus on YOU
please contact gabi@doortothelight.com or
text me at 971-312-8960
Please join us here for some community time
Metaphysical Fairs
free admission
New Renaissance Event Center Portland,
1338 NW 23rd Ave, Portland, OR
(every second Saturday of the month from 1 - 5 pm)
I offer mini sessions here for a small fee.
Other practitioners with other modalities are available as well.
Energy Field and Ocean
When working with energy I connect to my Higher Self and the Christ energy. This is important for being able to discern energies as benevolent (or not).
The energy field is much like the ocean that holds both harmless or dangerous creatures when you swim in it. You may want to swim with dolphins, but not with sharks. Some fish are nurturing food, but certain jelly fish are toxic. You could say we swim in the Ocean of Life.
Identities from past lives
Identities from past lives might show themselves to me and they may be relevant to a present situation the client is in. They may also explain certain talents, gifts, preferences, hostilities, fears or attraction to a particular person, place, culture or food.
Cultural connections stemming from past lives are ties to particular times and places in the evolution of the earth as Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, Persia, native traditions etc. and can still be noticed in the energy field.
Past life trauma
Traumatic situations or power dynamics in relationships with others in other lifetimes may show up in a session to be integrated, completed, understood or neutralized, so that they no longer cause fear, panic or phobias in this lifetime. These can be experiences that led to abandonment, betrayal, imprisonment, torture and death or very beautiful, powerful and peaceful experiences and great love for another person.
Nature spirits
If you have a strong connection to the nature kingdoms beings from nature show up in sessions like fairies, fawns, power animals, tree spirits etc.
Loved ones who have crossed over
Loved ones who have crossed over may choose to come visit and speak to me or the client. This of course always requires your, their and my permission.
Destructive Influences
At times we encounter beings that have less than loving intentions and are a negative influence. They can draw people to self-destructive actions and habits like addictions, crime or suicide. A clearing is helpful.
Landscapes and locations
The energy of different cities, countries or landscapes may show up: the vision of a lake where the person lived in the past, the climate of a particular place (heat or cold), a forest or mountain range etc.
Younger Selves
Younger aspects can show themselves as for example a 2-year-old, 5-year-old, 15-year-old. Aspects of the soul that even in adult age have not completely matured or need a new kind of parenting, aspects that never have received the love they wanted, aspects that were traumatized etc.
It is possible to talk to these younger selves and to nurture them, so that they become more willing to cooperate, if they had rebelled, limited or sabotaged before and to help them to express themselves in a healthy way, and to play and enjoy life, if they had been intimidated. They often really enjoy being seen, because they are not used to it.
Re-Integration of abandoned parts
Soul aspects that left, because it was too scary in a particular situation, and have not dared to return, can be talked to and energetically integrated again. In the Native American tradition this is called soul retrieval.
Recovery from surgery or illness
I have experienced that energy work can speed up recovery times after illness, injuries or surgery and change the vibration of the physical body and energy field.
Distance work
It is possible for me to tune in over distance and to bring in healing frequencies.This can be done in phone sessions.
Contact: 971 251 0477 ~ gabi@doortothelight.com
Payment options: Venmo (preferred). PayPal, bank cards, cash